administrador – The Top Antivirus Software Wed, 31 May 2023 09:21:21 +0000 es hourly 1 administrador – The Top Antivirus Software 32 32 This feature on your Android will protect you from the vast majority of malwares. Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:08:26 +0000 Leer más]]> We live in an era where you don’t need to install an antivirus on your phone despite having Android malware. And this has a lot to do with Google’s security policies, especially the Play Protect certification.

This is usually a certificate that complies with Google’s services and ensures the security of your phone. There are exceptions, but it is available on most Android devices. Here’s how to check if you have a device and how it works to protect it.

What does Play Protect mean and how to check if you’re on mobile 

Start at the end to check if the device has this certification. Note that there are exceptions only if you have installed or imported a system ROM, as it is generally included with all manufacturers. However, there is a Google list that you can check to see if you have a terminal or not. Although they claim that if you change the ROM you can lose the certificate.

And what does it mean to be certified?

Well, judging by what Google says, all licensed Google apps and services will be installed on your device. It also means that the device has successfully passed the Android compatibility test.

The absence of this certification usually comes with certain risks, such as not having a security system. And this may prevent you from receiving updates for your system or applications and services, and therefore security patches that companies periodically release to ensure the security of their mobile operating systems.

Similarly, other features, such as backups, may not be available. Regardless of where you downloaded it, you may not be able to run the application correctly in Terminal.

Lately there have been a few cases of Android virus infections infiltrating through Google Play apps. On the other hand, it is normal for Google Play to be a safe place.

The fact that the mobile device is Play Protect certified and the app can be downloaded from Google Play means that the company itself is behind these public apps. As such, it sets a number of security requirements and filters that prevent the intrusion of malicious apps.

In fact, a look at the recently discovered malware found in Google Play apps shows that these apps are secure from the get-go. In fact, cybercriminals use other methods to infiltrate Trojans.

The most common one, and the one Play Protect is ultimately not interested in, is for apps to prompt victims to download expected updates. It runs on a server outside of Google, so it ends up at the end of the corporate filter. In fact, to improve stability, it sometimes features a download interface that mimics Google Play, but this is not Google.

However, Google’s security policy is strict in this regard and does not seem to allow such applications that indirectly endanger users. And even if such an app sneaks in, the company will remove it from the store as soon as it finds out.

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Here’s what really protects your computer or cell phone Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:07:50 +0000 Leer más]]> To ensure security we always tend to install an antivirus It is true that these programs are very important to detect viruses, but you should not rely only on these. You should also take into account other factors that affect the protection of data or personal files. In this article we explain why having everything updated is more useful than having the best antivirus on your computer or mobile.

For security reasons, you should update everything.

Many attacks are caused by security flaws in devices. These are vulnerabilities that can appear, for example, in computers or cell phones. This can affect your privacy as they can access your computer and steal your data. They can even get inside a virus and crash everything.

These vulnerabilities affect not only the operating system, but also all installed applications. Extensions used by your browser can also contain security flaws. Therefore, it is very important to keep everything updated so that these errors can be repaired so that cybercriminals do not take advantage of them.

One of the security issues is keeping everything up to date. We have seen many examples of attacks using Windows bugs, routers with vulnerabilities that allow attackers to get into systems, security cameras with outdated firmware found on networks and more. Failure to update everything can cause problems.

Several computer security experts warn that simply installing an antivirus often gives a false sense of security. We think this is the only way we can be protected online. The truth is that you can be cyber-attacked simply because there are unpatched vulnerabilities. So our advice is to review and update everything you have installed.

Avoid using obsolete software

Many programs, such as operating systems, have reached the end of their useful life and are no longer updated. If this creates vulnerabilities, they will be outdated without security patches. For example, if you have an old program that you installed, an unsupported Chrome extension, or an older version of Windows that no longer receives patches.

Ideally, you should avoid using software that may not be up-to-date. Always install the latest software and make sure all browser extensions are up to date. If for some reason the application you are using is no longer updated, it is best to install an alternative application.

However, additional security measures should be taken. Do not make browsing mistakes, for example, by clicking on dangerous links or downloading potentially fraudulent files. In many cases, hackers want you to make mistakes.

As you can see, security requires everything to be up-to-date. This is much more important than using an antivirus. However, you should always follow basic security rules and use your device effectively. You can also use browser isolation for added security.

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Why you shouldn’t install more than one antivirus on your Windows computer Thu, 02 Mar 2023 08:08:34 +0000 Leer más]]> You may think that having two antiviruses on your computer can make you more secure, but that is not the case.

The problem arises when you start thinking that installing two different antiviruses on Windows will give you double protection. Well, the truth is that no, our PCs would not be more secure and would not be more difficult to infect, except that they could cause problems with the system.


It is technically possible, no doubt, and there is antivirus that can even have Windows Defender active at the same time, so you might think you already have two, but they are not the same thing.

You can also have two antiviruses installed on your computer. As long as both antiviruses are not running at the same time.

The moment they both run at the same time, the error starts. So, we tell you why you should not install more than one antivirus on your Windows PC.

Detection conflict

To protect your pc from viruses and malware, any antivirus software should be able to access the high-level system. It should also be able to determine file types and areas within the kernel, as many threats often target this part of the system.

A self-respecting antivirus installs event interceptors to detect and protect the system from suspicious activity, analyses event information and forwards suspicious files through malware scanners.

The problem with two antiviruses running at the same time is that they can step on each other’s toes and allow malware to escape and cause serious damage to your computer.

False Positive

Having two antivirus programs on your computer may seem to work, but in reality many results can be false positives.

This could be the case, for example, if one of your antivirus programs detects and quarantines a suspicious file, and another software that detects the file tries the same operation, arrives late and places the file.

This makes it difficult to remove infected files, resulting in many false virus warnings.

Too much pressure on resources

An antivirus program must always be running. That is, it runs in the background most of the time. This puts a significant strain on system resources, especially if you don’t have a powerful computer.

Now imagine what simultaneous operation of two antivirus programs can do in this regard. This resource «consumption» can multiply if the two pieces of software start to compete with each other and give false positives, as we saw in the previous point.

Wasting time

The first thing to think about is that having two programs doing what one can do is a waste of time.

Another obvious fact that everyone should understand is that it is much better to properly configure and manage one antivirus program than to manage two programs in between.

Perhaps this waste of time is imperceptible, especially if you have a powerful computer, but it is true because nowadays you are wasting resources and at the same time valuable time.


Even with programs from different manufacturers, we can talk about exceptions when several parts that are often included in complex security systems are installed independently.

For example, you may have an antivirus from the manufacturer, and the rest may be a firewall, VPN or password manager from another company.

In this case, as long as the installed tools are not duplicated and cannot be stepped on, the computer can run smoothly, and we will talk about exceptions.

The truth is that you would like to think that doubling the number of antivirus programs installed will double your level of protection, but unfortunately this is not true and will cause a lot of problems for your computer.

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Tips for good digital health Wed, 01 Mar 2023 08:06:54 +0000 Leer más]]> With the rise of technology and social networking, not all the innovations they bring are beneficial. The dangers of the vast world of the Internet have increased dramatically. Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to attack us with our data. On the positive side, there are tools and guidelines that can help protect society from problems that arise while browsing – that is, during your journey as an Internet user.

Organizations such as the National Institute for Cyber Security (Incibe) help to prevent and deal with «cyber incidents» that may occur. To avoid accidents and make safe and responsible use of the Internet, the Asociación de Autoayuda Sanitaria (anefp) joins INCIBE in good cybersecurity habits and recommends a series of recommendations for good digital health.



Device updates: hardware updates are required to avoid accidents. It is very important to keep all apps updated and check the permissions they request before installing them.

Use complex passwords: some websites allow six-digit passwords, but we recommend that they be a bit more complex. It is also good advice to make changes from time to time and not to share.

Don’t connect to open Wi-Fi networks: IT experts agree that these types of networks open to the public are one of the main ways in which strangers access mobile devices and computers. Therefore, it is always better to use mobile data and VPNs (Virtual Private Network) and avoid using these public Wi-Fi networks to carry out operations that require the use of private data.

Check the URLs: before clicking on the Internet addresses that reach the furniture and transport it is advisable to check their legitimacy, being particularly careful when changing some of them, such as the L for the I.

Pay attention to SMS from banks and shipping companies: Lately it has become popular to impersonate entities. They send a warning about urgent matters such as that a package has been confiscated in customs or that you owe money.

Keep an eye on what we post: Almost everyone on the planet has an account on Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks. The problem is that we often do not think or pay attention to what we post, offering a lot of sensitive information about our private lives. It is very important to keep your profile private.

Antivirus: Always have an antivirus installed and updated.

If you follow these habits you can avoid big problems in the future and thus be able to enjoy and have a good digital health.

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Three reasons to choose the best antivirus for your computer Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:43:17 +0000 Leer más]]>

Despite the fact that we have been hearing about computer viruses for decades, infection of personal devices remains a real and constant problem that can affect anyone at any time and at any moment. That’s why David Amrani, infrastructure protection specialist at Telefónica, says that having an antivirus is «a strong recommendation, even for people who use their devices responsibly and carefully». Despite the security built into today’s operating systems, they still do not cover «all the fronts that need to be protected,» he said.

Specifically, antivirus companies specialize in blocking all the doors through which viruses can enter. Because if it is true that no antivirus software can «guarantee absolute security», Amrani pointed out, then «they offer more than superior protection». «A computer without antivirus software is only a matter of time before it becomes infected with a virus, with consequences ranging from theft or deletion of information to damage to the device or misuse of the device,» he warned. such as online crime or cryptocurrency mining. 

For all of the above, cybersecurity experts recommend looking at three basic keys when choosing between one antivirus or another:

PC capacity. «The best antivirus software is the one that consumes most of the computer’s resources,» says Amrani. Even so, we must know the RAM memory, processor and storage capacity of the device to know what kind of antivirus software is worth installing without affecting the device’s performance.

What you use the device for. Most computer viruses are found on the Internet, in the files we download and the websites we visit. Therefore, the expert points out that «the more you use the Internet, the better antivirus software you should have». 

Main vulnerabilities. Not all computer threats work in the same way or gain access to computers through the same place. Therefore, we must take into account the most sensitive aspects that we want to protect as users. «For example, if you want to avoid being tracked, you should hire an antivirus with a good firewall and a Trojan service that prevents suspicious connections. On the other hand, if you have very important files that should not be deleted in any way, apart from creating backup copies, you should hire an antivirus that is particularly good at detecting viruses,» said Amrani.

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5 reasons not to use Windows cleaning and optimization programs Tue, 21 Feb 2023 09:42:00 +0000 Leer más]]>

Among the many areas of software that we can use today, there are many programs that aim to help us clean and optimize the Microsoft system. Basically, what we are looking for with all of these is to improve the overall functionality and performance of Windows.

However, the applications we are discussing are not always the best suited to achieve the goals we are discussing. In fact, the sheer number of titles associated with this type of search, both free and paid, can be a bit confusing at times.

At first and by default they promise to optimize the system and improve the speed of system operation. But once we fall into their net, we soon realize that those promises were ultimately not fulfilled. Moreover, in some cases, this so-called Windows cleaner and optimizer actually harms our computer in some way. That’s why we are now going to talk about some of the main reasons why you should not trust or use this kind of software tools.

Many functions do nothing

These types of Windows cleaning and optimizing applications usually do not speed up your computer or increase its performance. It is true that these promises are very attractive to a large number of users, but in reality, they end up emptying the Recycle Bin and deleting temporary files or some Internet files. This information takes up only a small amount of disk space, but does not affect the overall performance of Windows.

Windows already has its own optimization functions

Over the years and with the appearance of new versions of Microsoft’s operating system, its functionality has increased exponentially. Currently, we can find several tools that take care of solving the problems encountered in Windows by themselves. In addition, in parallel, we can use a multitude of functions that also take care of PC maintenance without the need for third-party software.

Among the most notable are the hard disk defragmentation tool, another tool to remove unnecessary content, administrative tools and more.

A problem with the antivirus

It should also be noted that some of these cleaning and optimization tools start to give problems from the first minute. And is that the antivirus software that we have installed on our computer can begin to detect it as malicious from the first moment. In fact, many such solutions have been discovered that include their own hidden malware, which is why the antivirus warns us.

Not all programs are reliable.

We must also remember that one of the biggest dangers of using cleanup tools is that not all of them are trustworthy. Some attackers take advantage of the trust of less experienced users and inject malicious code into their projects.

For example, on many occasions we have encountered applications that come with ransomware to hijack the system and claim rewards for unlocking your files.

Rather than helping, they harm Windows

Undoubtedly the downloading and installation of these programs is done to improve overall system performance. However, on certain occasions they do more harm than good when we put them to work. For example, there are tools of this type that make changes to the registry in principle to clean it but end up damaging it.

Also, many of these solutions include additional programs in their installation that end up being detrimental to the Microsoft system. We are talking about applications that we did not expect and that are responsible for launching advertisements and are constantly running in the background.

Undoubtedly, downloading and installing such programs is done to improve overall system performance. However, in some cases, they do more harm than good when we use them. For example, there are such tools that initially modify the registry to clean the registry, but end up corrupting the registry.

In addition, many of these solutions include other additional programs in their installation process, which will eventually damage the Microsoft system. We are talking about applications that we do not expect to be responsible for launching ads and constantly running in the background.

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There is an attack against Windows that is capable of taking down your antivirus. Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:26:26 +0000 Leer más]]>

Hackers are always reinventing themselves when it comes to launching malicious attacks or stealing money or confidential information from victims. Even if your computer has antivirus protection, this attack on Windows can completely disable the protection system of Microsoft’s software. Actually, it was like that this time too. Mainly because hackers have found an effective way to disable certain antivirus on Windows computers, which has opened the door to the distribution of all kinds of malware on unprotected PCs. Beyond that, we’ll let you know what security experts and Microsoft’s recommendations are.

Malware that disables your antivirus

In the last year, the cybersecurity firm AhnLab Security has detected as many as two such attacks. In it, they tested two vulnerabilities in Sunlogin, a remote administration software developed in China. This problem occurs when two remote code execution vulnerabilities, CNVD-2022-10270 and CNVD-2022-03672, are discovered. These vulnerabilities found in this remote-control program exist in Sunlogin v11.0.0.33 and earlier versions.

So, this is accomplished by implementing an encrypted PowerShell script that disables the Windows device protection program (in this case, the antivirus currently active on the computer). Essentially, these PowerShell scripts decode a portable .NET executable that is a modified open source program, Mhyprot2DrvControl, which uses a vulnerable Windows driver to gain kernel-level privileges. By default, Mhyrot2DrvControl developers use elevated privileges via mhyprot2.sys.

Moreover, once attackers are able to completely disable antivirus on Windows systems, they have a new target to install the desired malware. For other reasons, such as stealing personal data (bank details, user data…) or spying on victims. In other cases, they have also installed malware such as Sliver, Gh0st RAT (remote access Trojan) or the cryptocurrency mining software XMRig.

Employing the BYOVD technique

This method, as it has been used so far, is known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOVD) and is a way of referring to the fact that you use your personal device to access company or work resources. To prevent this, Microsoft recommends that Windows administrators enable a blacklist of vulnerable drivers to protect against BYOVD attacks.

And not only do you find this recommendation from Microsoft, the cybersecurity experts at AhnLab Security advise that if you use this program on your Windows PC, you should update your software to install security patches as well as update your operating system to avoid exploiting these two vulnerabilities. This way, we can avoid falling into these hacker traps and, most importantly, we do not have to deal with this particular malware.

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The features that are essential in any antivirus Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:24:20 +0000 Leer más]]>

Your antivirus requires these features, so make sure you have them.  Features of a good antivirus

An antivirus is essential to avoid computer attacks, malware and problems when using your computer or mobile device. However, in many cases we install some kind of security program and this does not mean that we are protected. Therefore, in this article we are going to explain the features that cannot miss in an antivirus so that we can say that it is great and will really protect us on the Internet.

Features that every antivirus must have

There are many antiviruses and you can find both free and paid options. However, before installing this security software, it is important to check some features. You can always search for information on the Internet, read reviews and ratings from other users or view reports and tests conducted by third parties.

Fast and efficient malware detection

The key to antivirus is that they are good at detecting malware. It is no use using an antivirus that barely detects the most notorious viruses and allows many other types of malware that can steal your passwords, personal data or even crash your system. It is also important that this discovery is fast. If a virus stays on a system for a long time, other types of malwares can enter and run freely. It is very important to find them as soon as possible.

Real-time protection

What we said leads us to the next point: real-time protection. Not all antivirus programs have this feature and it is one of the most important. This means that you are always protected just by browsing web pages. Then, if an anomaly is detected, it can be blocked. As we said, time is key to protect against online attacks. This is why it is very useful to have an antivirus with real-time protection.

Low resource consumption

Of course, it is also interesting to have an antivirus that does not consume too many system resources. Some applications run very slowly, consume more battery than necessary or cost more when using other applications. So check this before choosing a security program.

Logically, something always consumes resources. This is another application that works. However, there can be significant differences between the various options. When to do a manual antivirus scan 


Another point to take into account is the ease of use. There are very good antiviruses out there, but to really take advantage of them, you will need to adjust some settings and use them in a more professional way. Something like this is not suitable for inexperienced home users.  Ideally, it should be simple and easy to configure. This way we will avoid bugs that can affect security and we will not set anything critical to protect the system.

Extra options

You can also check if your antivirus has additional options. For example, some include firewalls, browser extensions and other features that extend the capabilities of the antivirus itself.

All of these can improve security and reduce problems.  If you want a more complete antivirus, you should see if there are other advanced options. Therefore, you can take full advantage of such programs to protect your system.

There are antivirus browser add-ons that can help. As you can see, you need an antivirus to prevent viruses and malware from penetrating you. However, it is important to choose a good one with certain features. Avoid mistakes that can compromise your online security.

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Your computer is at risk: more than 100 Windows viruses are spreading Thu, 09 Feb 2023 10:10:57 +0000 Leer más]]> Every day new security threats appear that threaten our normal Internet browsing. Microsoft recently conducted a review of the state of its security department and who are the main Windows threat actors it monitors. Combined with these results reported by the tech giant, we can also see that it plans to change the way it fights viruses and ransomware.

Microsoft has more than 100 security threats on its radar

Microsoft revealed today that its security team is tracking more than 100 threat actors that deployed ransomware during attacks. In total, the company said it had monitored more than 50 unique ransomware families in use at the end of last year.

«Some of the most notable ransomware payloads in recent campaigns include Lockbit Black, BlackCat (also known as ALPHV), Play, Vice Society, Black Basta and Royal. However, defense strategies should focus less on the payload and more on the chain of action. that leads to deployment,» Microsoft said, as the ransomware family continues to target servers and devices that have not patched common or recently patched vulnerabilities. While new ransomware families are released all the time, most threat actors use the same tactics to implement security breaches and propagate networks, hindering efforts to detect such behavior. Useful to curb their attacks, so the search is more focused on the chain of actions that lead to their propagation.

According to the folks in Redmond, attackers are increasingly relying on tactics other than phishing to carry out their attacks, with threats like DEV-0671 and DEV-0882 using recently patched Exchange Server vulnerabilities to compromise vulnerable servers and deploy Kuber and replicate ransomware. Last week, the Exchange team encouraged administrators to deploy the latest supported cumulative update (CU) to protect on-premises Exchange servers and always be prepared to install emergency security updates to prevent attacks.

The best antivirus software for Windows

To avoid, or at least slow down, infection with one of these serious security threats, it’s best to have the right protection program in place. We recently told you about the latest AV-TEST results for Windows home antivirus software, and after more than 13,000 malware exposures, only 10 provided maximum protection.

  • Avast Free Antivirus
  • Avast One Essential
  • AVG Internet Security
  • Avira Security for Windows
  • Bitdefender Internet Security
  • G DATA Total Security
  • Kaspersky Internet Security
  • McAfee Total Protection
  • NortonLifeLock Norton 360
  • Trend Micro Internet Security
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5 reasons why you should update your software Tue, 07 Feb 2023 10:10:15 +0000 Leer más]]> Updates always come at the worst possible time to interrupt your working hours or disrupt the little free time you have for video games. But delaying them is a terrible idea because it’s the only way to keep your system running.

Software keeps your computer running: operating systems, anti-virus software, browsers, Microsoft Office suites, system cleaners, video games and more. But sometimes everyone asks for an update and it’s up to you to install it now or later. Each update improves the functionality or security of your device. Changes to the operating system are usually not noticeable, but they can change the look of the interface, add new tools and more. They also protect against potential hacking, which is why it’s so important to keep your antivirus software up to date at work and at home. If you want your computer, «smartphone» or «tablet» to be in pristine condition, turn on automatic updates in the control panel or settings. If you are still wondering why software updates are so important, remember that there are many reasons to ignore them. Main reasons to update your software

  1.  Increase security

Your data, bank account numbers, passwords, logins and search history are highly sought after by «hackers» and fraudsters. Unfortunately, outdated software has many drawbacks. «Data thieves» are finding ever more creative ways to obtain information, and even the best antivirus software can’t do it without using the latest virus database. Especially in an age when the Internet is used for almost everything. In companies, this is the responsibility of the IT department, so updating personal devices is also important.

  • Increased efficiency

Installing updates is a way to keep programs and operating systems secure and running smoothly. Companies often release them to improve functionality, fix bugs or make them easier to use. Without the latest version, you won’t be able to enjoy these improvements, so your device may run slower than usual. Postponing updates only increases the load on the hardware trying to handle software requests with limited capacity.

  • latest technology

Technology is alive and constantly evolving, and many companies immediately adopt new developments in their services. A notable example is the iOS 16 update, which provides iPhone users with new and innovative tools for security systems, messaging and voice recognition. Every update is a step towards using better and more efficient software!

  • Maximize the customer experience

In the eyes of the software vendor, you are the customer. What matters most is your experience and enjoyment of using the device. But what if you’re the only one standing in the way? By installing the latest updates, you will always enjoy the latest program and application enhancements. Sometimes they have bugs or the tools are too complex. There is only one way to solve this problem: contact support. Installing the latest updates can solve the problem without any difficulty. Fast, simple and modern method.

  • Get innovative features and tools

The software affects your user experience. Features such as a clear interface or simple operation are already common in mainstream software on personal computers and other devices. But what if they could do better? Some updates offer innovative changes, sometimes completely improving the experience. When you install them, you get access to all new features and revolutionary tools to improve your productivity, security, creativity or online browsing. Finally:

We live in an age where ads, announcements, news or suggestions are attacking us from all sides. Not surprisingly, yet another system upgrade announcement seems to be part of this new reality, which can sometimes be exhausting. But ignoring this particular message can do more harm than good. Malware, hacking, slow performance or the use of outdated tools are the main concerns. Your device is like the human body: it should be treated as a sacred temple. All the applications you download, the web pages you visit and the information you share form a complex network that requires unique protection.

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